When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change!
These replays will you the exact steps I used to recreate my life, from being a nurse with only £4.20 to, being a Successful Entrepreneur.
Together with Brian Proctor, who will share his experiences and lessons learned from his father, Bob Proctor, he credits his major success and fulfilment in business.
Your life is your greatest gift! The quality of your life depends on the quality of your mindset. When I learned this, I made it my definite purpose to help people waken up and realise their true potential.
Simply by following the process that I did, you can radically transform your perception and experience of how things are and how things should be.
Inception is your starting point. Inception is your opportunity to see exactly what a life with higher awareness and understanding can look like for you!
Ask yourself why some people are winning in life when others are not. What do you think is stopping you from winning bigger?
Whatever your answer is, you are right! It is because that is what you think! After Inception, you will realise the only thing in your way of success is you!
And you will walk away with the SOLUTION!
- Bob Proctor
Ceo Dynamite Lifestyle, High-Performance Mentor
She is a global expert in high performance, both on a personal and professional level. As a success mentor and international speaker, Kim devotes her life to helping others ‘waken up’ and live fulfilled, enriched lives by thinking into results, one thought at a time.
Kim worked side by side with Bob Proctor for 7 years in this time accumulating the highest achievement and is the only person in the world to have achieved this at the executive diamond level, plus having over 25 awards in her time working with Bob.
As a global human performance expert, she works closely with her clients to help them achieve their personal and professional goals. Success is the progressive realisation of a worthy ideal, and that is true for your professional career, your personal relationships and your physical and mental well-being. Kim and Dynamite Lifestyle work through a scientifically proven step-by-step process, which is designed to programme your mind in alignment with your vision of success.
We Will Create A Winning Attitude By:
Exercising Your Mental Muscle
Understanding Cognitive Behaviour
Setting Clear Goals And Plans
Begin The Creation Process
Learn How To Mastermind
Visualisation Techniques That Work
We Will Align with and Become A NEW VERSION of you by;
Increase Emotional Intelligence
Gain Sub-Conscious Control
Enter a State of Calmness of Mind
End Impostor Syndrom for Good
Use Self-Image Maker
Increase Nettworth with Self Worth
Become a Highly Focused Action Taker By:
Making Success A Habit
Ignite Your Desire To Win
Act Everyday with Confidence
End Procrastination for Good
Close Your Knowing / Doing Gap
Do What You've Always Talked About Doing
- Lorraine Burnell
The location Titanic Quater an iconic area for all things that Dynamite Lifestyle holds as core values
Venue/Accommodations | Tickets and Registration | General Event Questions | Seating | Safety
Inception Dates September 13th - 14th, 2024. Doors are opening at 9 am (BST).
The Titanic Museum Arena Belfast, 1 Olympic Wy, Belfast BT3 9EP
If you would like to purchase a number of tickets, please contact us via email: [email protected]
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General Ticket:
Bob Proctor's name is synonymous with "success for millions of people." And he was known as America's most outstanding prosperity teacher. How did Bob come so far? He is linked to the forefathers of the personal development movement going back to 1908: Andrew Carneighy, Napoleon Hill and Earl Nightingale.
In 1961, Bob Proctor started studying "Think And Grow Rich", and it transformed his life. In addition to studying the book, Bob listened to Earl Nightingale's condensed recording of the book thousands of times. Then, Bob worked shoulder-to-shoulder with Earl Nightingale at Nightingale-Conant Corporation from 1968 to 1973, before leaving to start his own personal development company. Until his recent passing, Bob studied thousands of books and continued to read "Think And Grow Rich" every day and was considered one of the world's foremost experts on the human mind.